Stay informed about the 66 Express Outside the Beltway in Northern Virginia.
Major announcements, significant milestones, and community involvement.
I-66 EMP Continues Work with Pink Space Theory To “Make Tech Pink”
I-66 EMP Continues Work with Pink Space Theory To “Make Tech Pink” 66 Express Operator Collaborates with Local Femal…
Teen Driver Safety, Food Security, and STEM Education: 66 Express Outside the Beltway Reflects on 2024’s Community Impact and Looks Ahead to 2025
Teen Driver Safety, Food Security, and STEM Education: 66 Express Outside the Beltway Reflects on 2024’s Community Imp…
Revolutionizing Mobility: The Success of the 66 Express Outside the Beltway
Revolutionizing Mobility: The Success of the 66 Express Outside the Beltway The 66 Express Outside the Beltway project m…
66 Express operator provides over $100M To improve Northern Virginia’s mass-transit infrastructure
66 Express operator provides over $100M To improve Northern Virginia's mass-transit infrastructure $100M investment tr…
I-66 EMP Packs Boxes, Holds Third Annual Coat Drive for Boxes of Basics
I-66 EMP Packs Boxes, Holds Third Annual Coat Drive for Boxes of Basics Operator of the 66 Express Donates Time,…
66 Express Operator Donates $7K To Fight Food Insecurity in Prince William County
66 Express Operator Donates $7K To Fight Food Insecurity in Prince William County Contributions to CHOW Wagon, Haymarket…
I-66 EMP Donates $10,000 To Northern Virginia Family Service’s Hunger Resource Center
I-66 EMP Donates $10,000 To Northern Virginia Family Service’s Hunger Resource Center The HRC at NVFS Helps Feed Appro…
I-66 EMP Partners With DRIVE SMART Virginia To Encourage Teen Drivers To Think Fast
I-66 EMP Partners With DRIVE SMART Virginia To Encourage Teen Drivers To Think Fast ThinkFast® Interactive Assembly To…
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